Example: counting events and throwing dice

Jelle, October 2023

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import nafi

# Use float64 in jax for better precision
import jax
jax.config.update("jax_enable_x64", True)

Consider a counting experiment without background. We observe \(n\) events, and want to set an upper limit on the number of expected events \(\mu\). We use the test statistic:

\(\displaystyle q_\mu = -2 \, \mathrm{\Theta}(\mu - \hat{\mu}) \, \ln \frac{L(\mu)}{L(\hat{\mu})} ,\)

where the best-fit hypothesis \(\hat{\mu} = n\). The step function ensures we get upper limits:

  • Outcomes that are excesses (\(\hat{\mu} = n > \mu\)) are assigned \(q_\mu = 0\);

  • Nafi uses right-tailed p-values, and \(q_\mu \geq 0\), so excesses are assigned a p-value of 1;

  • Thus we always include all \(\mu\) below \(n\) in any interval we quote, i.e. we get upper limits.

In the notation of CCGV, this is \(\tilde{q}_\mu\) or \(q_\mu\). (There is no background, so \(\hat{\mu} \geq 0\) and the two q’s are identical.)

For computational convenience we consider only \(\mu \leq 15\) and \(n \leq n_\mathrm{max} = 25\).

# Hypotheses: expected events
mu = np.arange(0, 15, .0025)

# Highest observed number of events to consider
# (15 wouldn't be enough to get .01 accuracy)
n_max = 25

# Compute likelihood (outcomes, hypotheses) array, weights (same shape), and outcomes array
lnl, weights, ns = nafi.likelihoods.counting.lnl_and_weights(
    mu, mu_bg=0, n_max=n_max, return_outcomes=True)

# Find test statistics and Neyman construction p-values, both (outcomes, hypotheses) arrays.
# Statistic is q to get upper limits.
qs, ps = nafi.ts_and_pvals(lnl, weights, statistic='q')

# Lower and upper limits, (outcomes,) arrays
ll_counting, ul_counting = nafi.intervals(ps, mu)
assert np.all(ll_counting == 0)

# Statistics on probability of different outcomes (dictionary)
poutcome_counting = nafi.outcome_probabilities(ll_counting, ul_counting, weights, mu)

Consider a new experiment that also throws an \(m_\mathrm{max}\)-sided die, for which high rolls give very slight evidence for high \(\mu\).

For setting upper limits, we must then give outcomes with high dice rolls \(m\) slightly lower \(q\) values, so they get higher p-values, and will be picked more readily in the Neyman construction. We can implement this by changing the test statistic \(q_\mu \rightarrow q_\mu - \epsilon \, m\) and \(\epsilon\) a very small number.

More formally, we could define the likelihood of the dice roll \(m\) as \begin{equation} P_\mathrm{dice}(m|\mu) \propto 1/m + \epsilon \mu m \end{equation} which clearly makes high rolls slightly more likely for high \(\mu\). With some algebra (see Mathematica notebook) we can show that multiplying the Poisson likelihood for \(n\) with this term changes the test statistic to \begin{equation} q_\mu \rightarrow q_\mu - \epsilon m \cdot 2 m_\mathrm{max} (\mu - n) + \epsilon \cdot (\text{term that does not depend on $m$}) + O(\epsilon^2). \end{equation} For \(n < \mu\) (else \(q_\mu = 0\)), this clearly leads to the same upper limits as subtracting a small number proportional to \(m\) from the test statistic.

# Number of sides on the dice
die_sides = 6
m = np.arange(die_sides)

# Create weights for the outcomes, first as a (n_max + 1, m_max, n_hypotheses array).
# Each dice roll is equally likely to occur.
weights_dice = weights[:,None,:] * np.ones(die_sides)[None,:,None] / die_sides
# Reshape as a ((n_max + 1) * m_max, n_hypotheses) array.
# From now on n_outcomes = (n_max + 1) * m_max.
weights_dice = weights_dice.reshape(-1, mu.size)

# Create test statistics. We want higher dice rolls to make q lower,
# i.e. the p-value higher, so the outcome will have more preference
# in the Neyman construction.
qs_dice = (qs[:,None,:] - (1e-6 * m)[None,:,None]).reshape(-1, mu.size)

ps_dice = nafi.neyman_pvals(qs_dice, weights_dice)
ll_dice, ul_dice = nafi.intervals(ps_dice, mu)
poutcome_dice = nafi.outcome_probabilities(ll_dice, ul_dice, weights_dice, mu)

The dice roll allows the experiment to get closer to a 10% mistake rate, or 90% coverage:

plt.plot(mu, 100 * poutcome_counting['mistake'], linewidth=1, label='Just do the experiment', zorder=5)
plt.plot(mu, 100 * poutcome_dice['mistake'], linewidth=1, label=f'... and roll a {die_sides}-sided die')
#plt.axhline(10, linewidth=1, label='... and roll many dice', c='C3')
plt.legend(loc='upper right', frameon=False)
plt.xlabel("True expected events")
plt.ylabel("P(wrong) [%]")
plt.ylim(0, 14)
plt.xlim(0, 10)
# plt.savefig('poisson_dice.png', dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight')
(0.0, 10.0)

For the counting experiment, we reproduce the analytical upper limits with good accuracy (diminishing near high \(n\) due to our cutoffs in \(n\) and \(\mu\)):

ni_max_plot = 6

df = pd.DataFrame(dict(numerical=ul_counting[:ni_max_plot],
                  analytic=[nafi.poisson_ul(n) for n in range(ni_max_plot)]),
df.columns = [f"saw {n_} events" for n_ in range(ni_max_plot)]
saw 0 events saw 1 events saw 2 events saw 3 events saw 4 events saw 5 events
numerical 2.302585 3.88972 5.32232 6.680783 7.993591 9.274683
analytic 2.302585 3.88972 5.32232 6.680783 7.993590 9.274674

The experiment that also throws a dice obtains considerably more stringent limits, unless the highest dice roll appears.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(ul_dice.reshape(-1, die_sides)[:ni_max_plot,:]).T.round(2)
df.index = [f"rolled a {m_ + 1}" for m_ in m]
df.columns = [f"saw {n_} events" for n_ in range(ni_max_plot)]
saw 0 events saw 1 events saw 2 events saw 3 events saw 4 events saw 5 events
rolled a 1 0.51 2.67 4.20 5.61 6.95 8.25
rolled a 2 1.20 2.99 4.48 5.87 7.20 8.49
rolled a 3 1.61 3.27 4.73 6.10 7.42 8.71
rolled a 4 1.90 3.51 4.95 6.31 7.63 8.91
rolled a 5 2.12 3.71 5.15 6.51 7.82 9.10
rolled a 6 2.30 3.89 5.32 6.68 7.99 9.27

Clearly the sensitivity (median result when no signal is present) is much better than the 2.3 events of the pure counting experiment. For a die with many sides, this can get as low as 1.61 events.
