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Nafi computes frequentist p-values and confidence intervals from likelihoods, without asymptotic approximations such as Wilks’ theorem. CLs and simple Bayesian methods are also supported.

JAX is used to accelerate computations, so nafi will be much faster if you have a GPU.


Unified / Feldman-Cousins* confidence intervals for a counting experiment:

import nafi
import numpy as np

mu_signal = np.arange(0, 42, 0.01)
mu_background = 10

lnl, weights = nafi.likelihoods.counting.lnl_and_weights(
    mu_signal, mu_background)

ts = nafi.test_statistics(lnl, statistic='t')
ps = nafi.neyman_pvals(ts, weights)

lower_limits, upper_limits = nafi.intervals(ps, mu_signal, cl=0.9)

*: Feldman and Cousins [PRD/arXiv] add a small ad-hoc adjustment to upper limits for the specific case of a one-bin counting experiment (and not otherwise). For more details and to reproduce this adjustment, see this notebook.


  1. Nafi is not a modelling, fitting, simulation, or caching package. We just take likelihoods and turn them into p-values, limits, etc. Except for the simple examples below, you must provide the likelihood, with nuisance parameters profiled or marginalized out.

  2. Nafi works by bruteforce scanning over hypotheses you provide. That makes it robust, but also means it needs much memory and computation to achieve high accuracy. For example:

    • When nafi.test_statistics computes the maximum likelihood, it takes the maximum over the provided hypotheses (with parabolic interpolation). It does not recompute likelihoods in a minimizer loop.

    • When nafi.intervals finds the hypothesis where the p-value crosses e.g. p = 0.1, it interpolates the p-values of the provided hypotheses. It does not recompute likelihoods in a root finding loop.

    • In the synopsis example, we also get inaccurate results if the observed n approaches ~50, because we only considered mu_signal up to 42 events (with mu_bg = 10 events).

If you want a more complete and integrated inference framework, you might like zfit/hepstats, or pyhf, or RooFit/RooStats/HistFactory.

Example likelihoods

Nafi includes some likelihoods for testing and simple applications. These all live under nafi.likelihoods, e.g. as nafi.likelihoods.counting.

  • counting: a single-bin Poisson counting experiment with background, as shown in the synopsis.

  • twobin: a two-bin Poisson counting experiment, with configurable signal and background expectations in each bin.

  • gaussian: a single measurement of a Gaussian random variable whose mean is known to be positive.

  • unbinned: for signal and background events with different distributions along a single observable x.

  • two_gaussians: an example of unbinned, where signal and background are equal-width Gaussians separated by a parameter sigma_sep times that width.

Below are examples with profile likelihoods, i.e. problems with nuisance parameters eliminating through profiling. In both cases the background rate is the nuisance parameters.

  • onoff: derived from twobin, where the second bin has no signal but a multiple tau of the first bin’s expected background. Thus the second bin is an ancillary experiment that calibrates the background.

  • counting_uncbg, a single-bin counting experiment where the background expectation has a Gaussian uncertainty. This may be ill-defined, as backgrounds cannot be negative; onoff is a more proper test case for profile likelihoods.